Kamis, 04 Februari 2010

Jika Bayi Menolak Makan Pakai Sendok

Si Ipan turns to 8 months dan maemnya *ihiks* masih angot angotan juga.
Rasanya kok ya teteeep aja kuatir sama perkembangan dia. Bukan kawatir dia nanti kurus gimana tapi lebih khawatir ke perkembangannya, kurangnya asupan nutrisi untuknya walaupun ASI masih memenuhi kebutuhannya sebesar 80%. Starting 6 bulan gue gendong dulu kasih maemnya karna gue pikir dia bakal nyaman digendong ketimbang duduk yang saat itu memang belum tegak. Eng ing eeenngg.. ternyata gak semudah yang gue bayangin. Lidahnya selalu menolak apapun yang masuk ke mulutnya kecuali puting ibunya

Gue inget-inget lagi jaman Riffat, Riffat dulu ditinggal kerja ASIP diberikan pakai sendok jadi otomatis Riffat udah kenal sendok lebih awal yang di kemudian hari berguna saat MPASI. Sedangkan Ipan, cuma kenal nenen ibunya walaupun di awal-awal 2 bulan sempet ASIP diberikan via sendok saat gue masih kerja. Ok, berarti memang harus dilatih pelan-pelan, dari konsistensi caiiirrr banget sampai rada solid, diubah-ubah trial dan error kadang berhasil tapi sering engga . Metode udah macem-macem dari digendong, duduk di high chair dan terakhir pakai car seat posisi agak rebahan. Dan ternyata posisi sedikit rebah ini memudahkan gue sebagai penyuap dan Ipan lebih gampang nelennya. Tapi gak berapa lama boo metode ini lancarrr. Terakhir-terakhir dia udah nangis duluan kalo udah didudukkan di car seat. Dan makin hari makin parah.. liat sendok dan mangkok pasti memalingkan muka hwahwahwaaaaaaaa....!! Belakangan gue akalin makanin dilunakiiiiinnn banget trus disuapin pakai tangan sukses walopun cuma sedikit. Pernah juga dikasih finger food lumayan juga.

Semalem gue browsing ke web MPASI andalan disini dan dari hasil browsing membuat gue legaaa.. Ternyata normal-normal aja bayi begitu. Dan kuncinya adalah sabar sabar konsisten dan tenaaannnggg. Teori sih udah katam karna pengalaman pada RIffat dulu tapi tetep yaaa harus brosing-brosing lagi untuk mencari penguatan.

Ini dia hasil browsingnya mengenai baby yg menolak sendok

When baby refuse to be spoonfed
diambil dari http://www.wholesomebabyfood.com/baby-refuses-to-eat-food-with-spoon.htm

When Baby Refuses to Eat from a Spoon - Why your baby won't eat from a spoon and what you can do to make mealtimes relaxed & fun.

uddenly your baby has refused to eat her food when you try to spoon feed her. She may refuse to eat from the spoon in a variety of ways that are a bit upsetting to parents. Relax Mom & Dad, your little baby is growing up and refusing to eat from a spoon is part of this blooming.

When Will My Baby Refuse to be Spoon Fed?


There is a period between 8 and 10 months of age, that your baby may begin to refuse being fed food from a spoon. It is around this age range that babies really begin to become more aware of themselves and what they want. Asserting independence by refusing to be spoon fed is just another baby milestone.


Why is My Baby Refusing to be Spoon Fed?


As we mentioned, babies begin to find their own independence in a variety of ways. They may show favoritism for a certain toy or lovie and become insulted when you offer them a toy that is not the "toy du jour". Being able to assert their own preferences for eating is another way for babies to head off down independence lane. They may try to grab the spoon away from you or bat at the spoon as it comes close to their mouths. Many babies will simply clamp their lips shut and refuse to open up for a bite. These behaviors are perfectly normal and going with baby's flow will help create positive food relationships and experiences.


Please note that many babies will also refuse to be spoon fed if they are feeling ill or if they are teething. Tiredness may also affect baby's eating habits.


What Do I Do When My Baby Refuses to be Spoon Fed?


Take a few deep breaths and relax.


We have found that when our babies reach this new milestone, offering them a bowl and a spoon is one of the simplest ways of appeasing and encouraging them. We mix up their meals as usual and let them try to feed themselves.


Oh yes indeed, this is quite messy and you'll be cringing as food flows down the highchair and over those plump, cute little baby legs; the food will make it's way through baby's hair and probably into the ears too. And just when you think your baby will never manage to find her mouth - Success. Sit back and watch your baby delight in her newfound sense of independence and accomplishment.


When Should I Stop Feeding My Baby With A Spoon?


Only you will know when your baby is ready to stop being spoonfed. All babies are different and will refuse the spoon at different ages and stages. There are many babies who have never been spoonfed. Baby Led Weaning is an approach to infant feeding that is catching on around the world. Babies who are fed via this method never eat "traditional" baby food purees. Instead, babies are offered age appropriate foods that are soft cooked and mashed or smooshed or diced very small. The foods are offered to baby and baby eats the foods as he or she sees fit.


Read our Baby Led Weaning article to learn more.


Offer More Self-Feeding Meals


You may begin to offer your baby more meals made up of foods that baby is able to feed herself whenever you feel she is ready. Don't worry too much about the amount she eats. Offering a variety of nutritious foods during the day will ensure that your baby is getting all the nourishment she need. Remember, breast milk and/or formula remain important sources of nutrition until baby is 12 months of age.


My note:
Intinya sih mulai umur 8 bulan si baby udah mulai terbentuk egonya dan dia pengen nunjukin kalo dia bisa makan sendiri. Jadi methodnya let him food by himself. Berantakan udah pasti tapi ngga papah. Dan dari hasil baca-baca juga idealnya umur 8 bulan harusnya udah 3x meal 2 kali cemilan. Tapi tetep jangan mengacu pada aturan itu, lihat kondisi baby jika memang ngga mau yaudah 1x meal aja oke malahan yang terpenting asupan asi harus mencukupi.

Jadi tenang Ida!! Si Ipan ngga papah kok.. Jangan menyerah yaaaa!! *nyemangatin diri sendiri*

14 komentar:

  1. sama kaya ade dong tan..
    skarang ade mau makan disuapin pake tangan...
    mau belajar makan sendiri juga tapi lebih sering dimainin doang hehehe

  2. makan pake tangan asal tangnnya bersih gapapa kan mba? sunnah rosul juga?

  3. gak papa Zan.. Izan temenin adek maem yaa

  4. iya sebelum siapin mam jangan lupa cuci tangan pakai sabun :)

  5. mungkin si Ipan trauma keselek nelen sendok..hua.ha.ha...

  6. TFS mbak, buat persiapan mental aku ngadepin 6 bulan lagi memasuki fase MPASI yg berjuta rasanya ituuww :)

  7. Paman eddyn iya kali dia trauma kesogrok sendok :(
    Dyah, siap-siap yaaa

  8. sip ajdi semangatnya ga padam dong

  9. Loh, Ipan masih susah makan ya? Kirain udah lahap n bikin mama seneng :-)

  10. kadang teori tak seindah fakta ya mba...tfs ya...Al jg dah 8 bulan baru 3x makan tp jg blm banyak porsinya....sedikit2 yg penting masuk dan dia happy..ayo ipan mamam sendiri aja..hehehe

  11. ayoo da semangaaat..!!
    makan yg banyak ya Le... biar emakmu girang :D

  12. wahh mirip2 nih ama fira..

    fira juga baru 2 hari di minggu lalu makannya ok dalam arti mau buka mulut sukarela...setelah itu balik lagi ke menolak.

    belom nyoba biar dia makan sendiri sih... jadi pengen coba..

    semangat terus ya mba! sama2 kita berjuang nih :D

  13. Semangat daaaa...
    ipan, makan yg banyak ya, nanti main ke cibinong yaaa

  14. Ayoooo ipan mamam yg banyaaak biar bisa balapan mamam sama zaydan! :))
