Rabu, 09 November 2011


Ya ampuuun udah lama banget gak menyambangi rumah ini..

Kangeeeeeennn sangaaaaaatttt....

Masih banyak yang aktifkah di jagad MP inihh??

I miss you all....

Minggu, 03 Juli 2011

[Riffat] Dikhitan

Jumat, 24 June 2011, Riffat akhirnya disunat :)
Banyak reaksi bermunculan ketika aku upload foto proses sunat Riffat di fb. Kebanyakan tanya, 'loh masih kecil kok. sunat? Ada apa? Loh emang gapapa ya sunat waktu kecil?' Dan segala lah loh lah loh lainnya hehehe..

Sebenernya awalnya ga niatin Riffat sunat segera, tapi waktu adeknya umur dibawah setahun dan terdeteksi bahwa Ipan fimosis, pengen segera sunatin dua bocah ganteng saya inih :p. Mikir-mikir, kalo Ipan duluan, takut Riffat trauma dan jadi ga mau, jadilah yang disounding untuk sunat duluan si Riffat. Udah lamaaa kasih iming-iming macem-macem kalo Riffat mau a b c brati sunat dulu, dan selalu dijawab, 'yaudah besok sabtu sunatnya ya?'. Walah, gantian aku and babenya yang bingung, ga nyangka dia mau. Sepakat akhirnya sunat bakal dilaksanakan saat liburan panjang.

Singkat kata, Jumat 24Juni kemaren Riffat dikhitan. Bertempat di KMC hospital, Kemang, sama dr Farisda, pakai metode konvensional, karena dari hasil brosing, metode itulah yang paling aman. Even smartclamp apalagi laser beresiko kepala penis terpotong :(

Proses alhamdulillah lancar, cuma nangis saat disuntik, habis tu ngga nangis, anteng main gameboy PVP yg baru aja dihadiahin Mama hehe..

Hari 1-3 rada rewel, wajarlah yaa..
Hari 4 habis dari dokter udah bisa mandi
Hari 5 dah berani pakai celana dan main keluar
Hari 6 behaviour udah bener-bener normal. Pemulihan luka di penis masih berlangsung :)

Senaaang, 1 tugas selesai..
We all proud of you dear... :)

Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone

Kamis, 30 Juni 2011

[Riffan] 2 tahun !!

Update July 1, 2011

Ipan tanggal 12 June 2011 ultah ke-2. Iyaaah waktu berjalan cepet banget yaah, tau-tau di bayi raksasa itu udah 2tahun dan bukan raksasa lagi tp dah jadi bocah! Hehe.

Alhamdulillah bersyukur banget karena milestone Ipan 100% Mama menyaksikan langsung dan stimulasi langsung! Jadi ngerasain bener-bener hasil jerih payah sendiri ngegedein bocah.
Perkembangan Ipan cukup menggembirakan so far, setelah terdeteksi adb dan treatment sudah berhasil, perkembangannya makin melesat.

Mama catet disini yaaah:
- Ipan udah bisa nyanyi dan apal lebih dari 10lagu, spellnya emang belum jelas tapi nada dan iramanya keliatan jelas dia nyanyi apa dengan kata-kata yang diucapkan setengah cadel hehehe..
- Komunikasi 2 arah sudah bisa, sudah bisa jawab telepon dan jawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan sederhana
- Kemampuan makan Ipan juga sudah terbilang advance, udah bisa makan daging-dagingan, ayam dengan potongan besar
- Motorik halus juga bagus, memungut benda kueciiil dan memasukkan ke lubang kecil udah bisa
- Motorik kasar juga udah lumayan. Lagi ngelatih gowes sepeda roda 3 hehehe..

Oh ya, Ipan ini BIG FANS of Mas Riffat! Segala hal Riffat ngapain selalu ditiru. Rasanya emang adek itu selalu big fans of kakaknya ya, at least begitu pengakuan temen-temen yang udah punya anak 2 :). Bener gak? Hehe

Happy 2years Ipan, selamat bereksplorasi dengan dunia indahmu ya sayang, muaaahhh

Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone

Selasa, 10 Mei 2011

When they are sleeping

Kami semua emang masih tidur ber-4 sekasur. Bukan apa-apa sih, emang kami masih pengen gabung sama anak-anak dan Riffat -nya juga belum mau misah ke kamar sendiri, alesannya, 'kamar sebelah ga ada ACnya Mah!". Jiaaaahh ngajak boros.. hihihi.
Yasud lah krn emang blum niat nambah AC kamar dan belum ada dagangan lain buat iming2 dia mau tidur sendiri, umpel-umpelan dulu aja di kasur ber-empat. Daaan akibatnya, terjadilah adegan-adegan berikut...!! cekidot :D

Oh iyaa, khusus Ipan, dia niy paling ga bisa tidur tanpa AC, kalo AC subuh mati, tidurnya gelisah dan bakal nyari yang dingin-dingin sebagai kompensasi AC mati, jadilah kakinya selalu nyari tembok dingin buat nangkring hehehee

Senin, 02 Mei 2011

[Riffat] 5 years milestone, Leaving the Nest

*last edited 10May2011

Umur Riffat udah 5tahun nih, rasanya malah Mama yang deg-degan, rasanya baru kemaren dia 2tahun, eh skrg udah 5tahun, udah selamat tinggal sama gelar BALITA Mama, huaa.. huaaa.. huaaa..

Antara senang dan sedih, senang karena dia makin besar, makin mandiri dan makin kelihatan karakternya. Sedih karena rasanya melow banget, ni anak udah gede ajaa, bentar lagi sering gak dirumah, bentar lagi tiap malem minggu Mama cengoh dirumah RIffat ngapel ke pacarnya *halaah jauh amaaat hihihi..

Kembali ke laaptooopp, nah sekarang Mama mau coba liat milestone Riffat niih, udah sesuai belum sih sama perkembangan umumnya? Mama contek dari KIDSGROWTH ya

Growth Milestones - FIVE YEARS

"Leaving the Nest"

Your 5-year-old is about to begin "real" school for the first time. Your child changes from a little one, protected by home, to a kindergartner, with the demands of a new school and new expectations. Children this age need approval, praise and encouragement. They want to please and are proud of their work.

School Readiness

Is my child ready for kindergarten? Should you send your child with a late summer or fall birthday to kindergarten, or should you wait another year? These are some of the questions parents of 5-year-olds ask themselves. Ideally, kindergarten should be ready for the child rather than getting the child ready for kindergarten. Use the following to see how well your child is doing in acquiring the skills found on most kindergarten checklists.

  • Good physical health, can see and hear well and visits the doctor and dentist regularly.--- CHECK
  • Has self-care skills (dressing, feeding, washing, manages bathroom needs). --- CHECK
  • Follows directions and rules. Pays attention for short periods of time to adult-directed tasks. --- CHECK
  • Able to work independently for short periods.---- CHECK
  • Tolerates frustration and failure.---- CHECK, bekat teknik dagang dan kesanggupan memilih niih
  • Knows his or her full name as well as the name of his or her parents.---- CHECK
  • Easily makes changes and accepts adult supervision and help.--- CHECK
  • Able to play in small groups with other children. --- CHECK
  • Begins to share with others.---- CHECK, apalagi sama adeknya nih, sayaaang banget
  • Listens to stories without interrupting.----- CHECK
  • Recognizes rhyming sounds.----- CHECK
  • Speaks clearly with age-appropriate language skills;Talks in complete sentences of five to six words.---- CHECK
  • Understands that actions have both causes and effects.----- CHECK
  • Shows understanding of general times of the day.---- CHECK
  • Cuts with scissors.---- CHECK
  • Holds crayon or marker; has a collection of paper, pencils, crayons.---- CHECK
  • Separates from parents without being upset.----CHECK, pergi sekolah masih lancar jaya dan kadang full day sampe jam 2 juga dia enjoy saja :-)
  • Looks at pictures and then tells stories. --- CHECK, bawel kalo ini mah
  • Is able to recognize authority.---- CHECK
  • Identifies some alphabet letters and most colors.----- CHECK
  • Buttons shirts, pants, coats and zips up zippers.---- CHECK, iklan susu itu keknya bohong deh, 2th bisa ngancingin baju? hhihi
  • Begins to control himself or herself.---- CHECK
  • Recognizes groups of one, two, three, four and five objects.--- CHECK
  • Sorts similar objects by color, size and shape.--- CHECK
  • Recognizes some common sight words like "stop."---- CHECK
  • Counts to 10.--- CHECK, dan sampai 30, yay!!
  • Uses words like bigger, smaller or heaviest to show comparison.---- CHECK
  • Rides a tricycle.--- CHECK, aaah udah bisa twocycle hehehe
  • Draws a picture of herself or himself including head, body, arms and legs.---- CHECK, udah jugaaaa
  • Knows her or his body parts.--- CHECK
  • Understands concepts such as: in, out, under, on, off, front and back. --- CHECK
  • Follows through when you give him or her one or two directions.--- CHECK
  • Attempts to write his or her name.--- CHECK

Parenting and Behavioral
  • Listen to and show respect for your child.
  • Continue reading to your child or read together. Get a library card and use it regularly. Ask the librarian to pick out age appropriate books. --- yg ini susah dicari di Indonesia :( 
  • By the end of this year many 5-year-olds can recognize simple words and may even be reading. Praise your child's progress.
  • Children this age show concern for each other so parents should encourage diversity, respect and tolerance.
  • The 5-year-old enjoys crafts, coloring and painting. He or she may also begin enjoying simple board games (like "Candyland," etc.).---- Iyaaaa beneeeerrr
  • It is not unusual to have occasional accidents at night and during play. Be understanding and do not make a big deal out of it. However, if it happens frequently, it would be a good idea to discuss the matter with the child's doctor.
  • Enhance your 5-year-old's experience with trips to parks, libraries, zoos and other points of interest.
  • Teach your child the difference between right and wrong.
  • Begin age appropriate chores.
  • Always show affection.
  • A 5-year-old is usually imaginative and has lots of energy. Be sure to praise children. Building self-esteem is very important at this age. Give your child encouragement and praise not only for completing a task but also while working on the task. Avoid physical punishment - it only promotes fear and guilt and teaches the child that violence is acceptable in certain situations. Instead, send the child to a quiet, boring place without anything to do for five minutes as a form of discipline.
*Manggut manggut*
  • Skips, can walk on tiptoes and jumps forward.---CHECK
  • Throws a ball overhand.--- CHECK
  • Washes and dries hands and brushes teeth unassisted.--- CHECK
  • Can cut and paste.--- CHECK
  • Can name four or five colors.--- CHECK, dah hampir semua kayaknya
  • Can state his or her age.---- CHECK
  • Has a vocabulary of six to eight word sentences. --- CHECK, udah buanyaak
  • Can tell a simple story.--- CHECK
  • Can dress and undress without supervision.--- CHECK
  • Knows his or her own phone number, address and several nursery rhymes.--- belum punya HP! hihih
  • Can copy a triangle from a picture.--- CHECK
  • Draws a person with a head, body, arms and legs.--- CHECK
  • Understands right and wrong, fair and unfair. --- CHECK
  • Understands games that have rules.---- CHECK
  • Engages in make-believe and dress-up play, in which your child may assume a specific role ("mommy or daddy").--- CHECK

Oral Health
  • Encourage teeth brushing twice a day with small amount of fluoride toothpaste.---- CHECK
  • Continue to give fluoride supplements if not in the water supply.----- WAAH INI MUSTI TANYA DOKTERNYA NIH
  • Continue seeing a dentist at least twice a year.----- CHECK -- JADI PR
  • Consider the use of dental sealants.
  • Learn how to prevent dental injuries and what to do in case of a dental emergency, especially the loss or fracture of a tooth.---- PR JUGA NIH

  • Appetite is usually much better at 5 as the child begins the second of three growth spurts. Continue to offer your child a selection from the basic food groups.
  • Make meal time pleasant, turn off the TV and encourage conversation.
  • Limit carbohydrate snacks like soft drinks, chips, candy and cookies. Instead, encourage healthy snacks, such as fruit and vegetables.
  • Ensure your child eats a balanced breakfast and a nutritious lunch at school.
  • Your child may enjoy helping to choose and prepare meals with supervision.

----- kalau soal makan udah no need to worry. Kebiasaan makan sehat udah dibangun sejak bayi

  • At this age expect an occasional nightmare or night terror. If the behavior become frequent, speak to your child's doctor about it.

  • Now is the time to begin to teach your child the names of all body parts including genitals. Give your youngster a vocabulary to avoid unwanted touching. If this is a difficult subject for you to discuss, ask the help of your doctor or the child's teacher.
  • Recognize that a child's sexual curiosity and exploration are normal.

  • Continue to use a seat belt in the back seat of the car at all times.
  • Teach your 5-year-old how to swim.
  • Make sure all swimming pools in your area are secure.
  • Always use sun screen when your child is outside playing or swimming.
  • Keep your child's environment free of smoke.
  • Conduct fire drills and make sure all smoke alarms are operating properly.
  • Make sure any guns in the home are locked up and the ammunition is stored separately. A trigger lock is an additional precaution. And make sure these same safety precautions are followed at friends' homes. Never allow your child to handle firearms.
  • Teach bicycle safety and make sure your child always wears an approved helmet as well as shoes while riding a bicycle.
  • If your home uses gas appliances, install and maintain carbon monoxide detectors.
  • The purchase of a trampoline is not recommended because of the risk of serious injury.
  • Begin to teach your child rules for interacting with strangers, either on the phone or at the door.
  • Never let your child play unsupervised outside.
---- yang diatas banyak PRnya nih. Masih agak susah untuk stay him seat belted, kudu diingetiiiiin terus.. Kursus renang udah jadi rencana, bulan ini kudu jalan rencana les berenang. Helm untuk bersepeda juga kudu beli keknya nih.. secara RIffat suka ngebut kalau bersepeda
Since immunization schedules vary from doctor to doctor, and new vaccines may have been introduced,it is always best to seek the advice of your child's health care provider concerning your child's vaccine schedule.
  • Your child may receive one or more immunizations depending on your doctor's schedule. Some doctors prefer to wait until the child actually starts kindergarten (if not at 5) or has already given the recommended immunizations at the 4-year checkup.
  • Annual flu vaccines for children with chronic illnesses like asthma and heart defects. Check with your doctor.
  • Vision and hearing are usually checked at this visit. Other screening done at this age may include a tuberculin test (if indicated) and blood pressure. If there is a family history of elevated cholesterol, some physicians will also obtain a screening blood test.
  • The following immunizations may be given at the 5-year old checkup.
    1 dose of DTaP vaccine  ---- CHECK
    1 dose of the MMR vaccine ---- CHECK
    1 dose of the Inactivated Polio Vaccine --- CHECK
    1 dose varicella (chickenpox) vaccine --- CHECK

Minggu, 13 Maret 2011

[Riffan] Anemia Defisiensi Zat Besi

Mau cerita soal Ipan yang ternyata diketahui anemia kekurangan zat besi yaah. Udah lama banget nih gak cerita soal perkembangan Ipan.

Sejak awal-awal bulan November, di milis sehat lagi rame diomongin soal rekomendasi terbaru dari AAP, yang bisa dibawa artikelnya disini, bahwa anak asi eksklusif cenderung rendah kandungan besi dalam darahnya karena asi diatas 4 bulan miskin zat besi. Ditambah lagi jika si Ibu waktu hamil anemia ditandai dengan hb rendah, maka akan semakin curiga bayinya juga ikutan anemia. Naaahhh dari situ mulai worry nih, jaman hamil Riffan, hbku rendah banget, bandel gak konsumsi suplemen penambah darah pulaa, jadi makin parno RIffan anemia juga. Kalo baca-baca di link aap itu, kekurangan zat besi akan menimbulkan gangguan perkembangan dan hal ini sangat sulit dideteksi, karena sifatnya jangka panjang. Dan dari rekomendasi AAP, bayi asix disarankan untuk mendapatkan tambahan suplemen zat besi sejak umur 4bulan. Di umur 6bulan, disaat mulai mpasi, menu mpasi sudah boleh langsung pakai kaldu daging merah yang kaya akan zat besi.

Nah, back to kecurigaanku pada Riffan, bulan Desember saat Riffan jadwal imunisasi umur 18bulan, aku konsultasikan sekalian perihal adb ini ke dr. Endah. Pada saat periksa, BB RIffan malah turun dibanding saat 15bulan, kecurigaan lebih ke arah ISK karena RIffan phimosis, tetapi karena emang seumur Riffan emang kudu discreening darahnya, yasudah aku ambil semua opsi, urin kultur untuk memastikan Riffan isk atau tidak, screening zat besi untuk memastikan RIffan anemia atau tidak.

Biaya kultur urin sekitar 160ribuan, begitu pula cek darah untuk tau Hb, ht, serum iron dan feritin. Daaaan jeng jennngggg hasilnyaaaaaa..... Yak!! RIffan positif anemia, hbnya rendah banget begitu pula feritinnya jauuuuuh dari normal... hikshikss bener terbukti kecurigaanku. Pantesan Riffan lesu, gak bersemangat, banyak tidur.. ternyata, dia anemia!! Rasanya makin bersalah aja, Riffan udah 18bulan!! dari kapan dia anemia?? huaaaa :'(.
Seminggu kemudian keluar hasil kultur urin dan ternyata gak ISK, legaaaa...

Nah sehubungan dengan anemianya Riffan jadilah diterapi minum ferriz drop sehari 2kali untuk penyembuhan, selama 2bulan. Bulan ini udah lewat 2bulan dan kudunya Riffan tes darah lagi tapi belum dilakukan, ferriz masih aku berikan 1kali 1 hari. Tapiiii alhamdulillah sejak diterapi zat besi, maju pesaaaat perkembangannya. Dia makin bersemangat, gak loyo, gak bisa diem. Lari-larian juga gak males kayak dulu, dan karena staminanya makin bagus, perkembangan bicaranya juga makin oke!! Alhamdulillah.. smoga RIffan bisa segera mengejar ketinggalannya kemarin. BBnya sepertinya juga sudah naik, nafsu makan juga makin bagus.

Alhamdulillaaaaaahh banget!!

Rabu, 02 Maret 2011

[Riffat] Lomba Membaca Surat Pendek

fiuuhh udah capek ngetik banyak eh ga kesave *elap kringet*

Yak, Riffat tanggal 7 Feb 2011 yang lalu diikutkan ke lomba membaca Al Lahab dalam rangka Maulud Nabi Muhammad SAW 1412H. Lomba diadakan di Pasar Seni Ancol, pesertanya seluruh TK ABA se jabodetabek.

Selain lomba ini, ada juga lomba menari, sholat membaca doa dan mewarnai. Total ada sekitar 80an TK yang ikut, jadi kebayang ramenya dah hehehe..

Karena sampai sana agak awal, jadilah tim Rffat dapet nomer urut 9 dari 80an tim, jadi nunggunya gak lama, dan sembari nunggu anak-anak main bubble dari abang penjual pistol bubble *heran tiap kali ada keramaian pasti ada nih tukang bubbles.

Gak lama nomer 9 udah dipanggil, dan maju ke panggung sekitar 10 menit. Alhamdulillah lancarr walo di akhir rada-rada demam panggung si pemimpin timnya karena kaget denger tepuk tangan penonton.

Seminggu kemudian Riffat pulang sekolah bawa piala dan ternyata dia dan timnya dapet predikat "NOMINASI" hhhehehehe.. mayan lah Le walo gak juara tapi udah bikin RIffat bangga dan seneng terima piala. Seperti layaknya anak lain, dia pun mamerin pialanya ke setiap orang yang datang ke rumah *tepok jidat*..

Senin, 03 Januari 2011

[Riffan] Mah, pipih...

Postingan pertama di tahun 2011 hehe.. Gak bikin resolusi apa-apa, yang penting, tahun ini HARUS lebih baik dari tahun kemarin! Semangaaaaaatttt!!

Rasanya hadiah terindah untuk tahun baru ini adalah si Adek yang makin lancar ngomong. Tiba-tiba aja pagi kemarin bilang "mah.. Mamah.. Pipih..". Setengah kaget, setelah kulihat celananya sudah setengah mlorot depannya dan ada bau-bau aduhaaai.. Oalaaah.. Ternyata dia pup di celana!! Dan berusaha lepasin celana sendiri tapi gak berhasil trus keluarlah kata-kata itu (mah, mamah.. Pipis)! Senengnyaaaaaaa..

Lalu tiba-tiba juga dia ngomong "aciiiih" ketika diberi makanan atau diambilkan sesuatu, hehe..

Trus lanjut ke kata demi kata berikutnya.. "Habih" ketika jeruk yang disuapin habis, "iyaaaat" ketika minta dilihatkan foto di bb Mama, "mah" untuk panggil "mas", kalo Mamah Papah mah udah faseh!!

Bertumbuh terus ya Naak